Pepto Bismol or any other antacid/upset stomach aid
Aspirin, Tylenol, or Ibuprofen and Any prescription medication
Benadryl/Claritin or Epi-Pen (allergy medications especially if the wedding it's outside
Band-Aids, Cotton balls, cotton swabs & Blister treatments
First Aid Kit
Flavored cough drops
Smelling salts, Essential oils
Alcohol bottle
Triple Antibiotic
Tampons, pads
Spare underwear
Touch up makeup powder and touch up makeup set up
makeup setter
Hair spray, brush, barrettes and/or bobby pins
Hand/body lotion & handy wipes
Kleenex and cotton swabs
Perfume or Fragrance
Hand Sanitizer
Shaving Cream
Makeup remover wipes
Nail polish, clear nail polish, tweezers, and remover
Small hand towel
Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash as and breath mints
Tampons and/or pads
Lip gloss/balm
Throw away garter
Clear nail polish for runs in the house
Extra pair of shoes, flat shoes and/ ballet slippers
Earrings backs and safety pins
Pantyhose, sacks
Hill protectors for walking in the grass
Lint roller, corsage pins & safety pins
Masking tape, scotch tape, fashion tape
Nail file, nail clippers
Small Sewing kit (scissors, thread)
Spare contact lenses, eye drops, contact case & solution
Cell Phone and charger
Marriage license
Small flashlight
tide to go stain
Bug Spray, rubber bands
Krazy glue, no-sew glue, white chalks
Snack and drinks, straws (avoid lipstick smudge)
Cake knife and cake top
Vendors final payment
Pens and/or markers for guests to sign
Toasting flutes